Career Opportunities
Our Founder, Brendon Elliott, PGA also has a passion for setting individuals on the right path for career success within the golf industry. In addition to his role as Executive Director at Little Linksters, he was also the Director of Career Placement at the Golf Academy of America career college in Orlando from 2013 – 2018. Whether you are a current PGA Professional or Apprentice looking to increase revenue at your club or you are looking to get your foot in the door as a golf instructor, Little Linksters could be your answer. See what may lie ahead for you with this rewarding career option or supplement to your already established position.
Career Opportunities with Little Linksters
Little Linksters is always looking for new instructors to help us expand our reach. Whether you have interest in teaching classes, running Tour events or providing great experiences for the youth and families that take part in any of our other events, contact us today!